Many congratulations to YMS student Damir Durmanovic (16) on winning first prize in the Junior Intercollegiate Competition organised by the Beethoven Piano Society of Europe (BPSE) and held in the Austrian Cultural Forum near London's Hyde Park. The competition is open to pupils studying at the specialist music schools or in the junior departments of UK music conservatoires. The distinguished jury comprised Anda Anastasescu, Janet Obi-Keller, Bobby Chen and Bela Hartmann.
The adjudicators wrote:
Durmanovic gave an impressive interpretation of the Sonata Op. 81a ‘Les Adieux’, producing an exciting and involving account, especially on account of the tempi, with some intrepid virtuosity in evidence, as in the propulsive finale. Durmanovic delved into the structural depth of the work bringing out motivic and harmonic processes, weaving them into a reading of dramatic conviction. His Bagatelle, played before the sonata, was full of interest.
Part of Damir’s prize will be to perform in the BPSE’s 2015 recital season. Very well done to him.
For a full account see: