
Support Us

“The pupils’ exceptional musical achievements are developed through a strong emphasis on the individual and a recognition that each young musician has a unique voice and will develop on their own pathway” (Independent Schools Inspectorate report, May 2019)

Your support is vital and helps The Yehudi Menuhin School to nurture exceptional musical talent through a world class education – realising our pupils’ potential and shaping UK and international music culture.

We are a registered charity and rely on support from a wide range of sources in order to deliver our mission. You can donate as an individual, or through a foundation, trust or company. Your support helps us to do the following:

  • Provide bursaries to pupils who have the talent and potential to attend YMS but not the financial means
  • Share our music through our pupil Showcase concerts and other performances in the local area and beyond, including local schools, care homes and charities
  • Invite exceptional artists to perform and give masterclasses at The Menuhin Hall, for the education of our pupils and the enjoyment of our audiences
  • Invest in top-quality instruments for our pupils to learn and perform on
  • Attract and retain the very best teaching staff in order to deliver an exceptional, well-rounded education that allows all pupils to follow their chosen path after YMS
  • Ensure that we can provide a safe and nurturing environment in which our pupils can live and learn

Please give generously today to help talented young children fulfil their artistic potential in a safe and nurturing environment.

Every donation, however modest, will have a tangible impact on the lives of our pupils.

For more information about supporting The Yehudi Menuhin School, please email development@menuhinschool.co.uk or phone 01932 584 744.

Click here to read our Gift Acceptance Policy.

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