An Important Note to Prospective Parents

We have been advised that there are bogus emails in circulation. We want to confirm that all communication regarding applications, including submissions, is only done directly with the school’s Registrar. We have no additional websites or web portals for submitting applications and no “Official representatives of The Yehudi Menuhin School” should contact you, other than the Registrar.

If you have any concerns or queries about your application, please contact the school directly on +44 (0)1932 864739. Thank you.

Audition Process

Selection of pupils to the School is by a series of auditions, which seek to assess musical ability and identify outstanding potential. An invitation to a full audition at the school will follow a preliminary assessment by the Director of Music.

Preliminary Audition

The first stage of the admissions process is to complete an application form, which should be requested from the Registrar by emailing This should be submitted along with a link to YouTube recordings of the applicant performing three contrasting pieces of their own choice on their first instrument and one piece on their second, if they have one, to the Registrar. The application form should be accompanied by the non-refundable application fee of £100. The Registrar will provide the School’s bank details.

The Director of Music will review the application and recordings and then decide whether to invite the applicant to take part in a full audition.

Full Audition

The full audition consists of two one-hour consultation lessons with a Principal instrument teacher, a Musicianship test and interviews with academic and pastoral members of the School staff. At the final part of the audition process applicants play two contrasting pieces of their own choice from different stylistic periods on their first instrument and one piece on their second instrument and are interviewed by the Headmaster and the Director of Music, along with their Parent/s or Guardians. The cost of the full audition is £100, payable in advance.

Ideally applicants visit the school to take part in the full audition, but it can take place online.

The decision whether or not to offer a place is based purely on the School's assessment of musical potential and the candidate's desire and suitability to undertake a specialised course.

During the interview with the Headmaster, the matter of funding will be discussed. The Headmaster will discuss the bursary application process with parents/guardians and try to gain some indication from them of how much they are able to contribute. Parents/Guardians should note that help towards the fees comes in the form of a means-tested bursaries based on financial need rather than scholarships based on any kind of ranking of ability.

Pre-audition Opportunities

If an applicant is unsure of their suitability to apply for a place at the School, pre-audition one hour consultation lessons with a YMS Instrumental teacher are available, at a cost of £60 each.

If you are interested in attending a pre-audition lesson, please contact the Registrar for further details.