It was a huge honour for the School to be invited to take part in the opening ceremony of the Flanders Field Memorial Garden at Wellington Barracks in central London today, attended by Her Majesty The Queen and His Majesty The King of Belgium, together with other members of both royal families. The School's contribution to the ceremony was mentioned on the British Forces News website, together with a video clip:

Last year two YMS pupils, Aleks Mladenova and Ketan Curtis, travelled to Ypres to take part in the first leg of the Memorial Garden scheme, joining other students from both the UK and Belgium in a project which involved bringing 70 sandbags, filled with soil from 70 battlefields and cemeteries on the Western Front, to form the basis of the garden in London.

This year we are delighted to welcome back to the School our Belgian hosts, pupils Niky Bagheri and Louis Verlinde, as well as their teachers, Bart and Marian. During this morning's ceremony, YMS pupils (Nicole Petrus Barracks, Sam Staples, Dorothea Schupelius, Bennet Ortmann and Joseph Pritchard) performed music especially composed for the occasion by fellow students Sao Soulez Larivière and Leonardo Jaffe Barbosa to words by Louis Verlinde, one of the pupils from Belgium.

It was an extraordinary occasion which the pupils will never forget - and only the beginning of what is going to be a very memorable week. As well as taking part both in activities at the School and in visits to local attractions, students will contribute to another ceremony in London on Sunday morning, and either perform or attend the School's special Remembrance Day Concert in The Menuhin Hall on Tuesday 11 November at 7.30pm.

If you would like to attend what will undoubtedly be a very special concert, you will need to hurry.

06 Nov 2014