Junior Department
Pupils can begin their time at The Yehudi Menuhin School at many different ages, but they enjoy a particularly warm welcome if they start in the nurturing and creative atmosphere of our Junior classes, affectionately called the Ds.
The Junior Department at The Yehudi Menuhin School accepts pupils from age 8 to 11. Each prospective pupil is invited to the School for a three day stay during which time they are given a variety of tasks in English and Maths in order to assess their academic ability. This does not influence the offer of a place at the School, which is made on the basis of musical performance, aptitude and the potential and ability to learn.
The pupils follow the National Curriculum in English, Maths and Science. In addition the pupils are taught History and IT skills by the Junior Department teacher, while German, Art, Swimming and Music Theory are taught by specialist teachers. Pupils with English as a second language are offered support if necessary by an EAL specialist.
In the Summer term, pupils in Year 6 take the NCA end of Key Stage 2 tests (often known as SATs) in Maths, Reading and GPS (Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling). We use internal end of year tests for other year groups and parents are informed of the results.
At the end of Year 6 the pupils then progress into the Senior school; there are no entrance exams. They continue their education in Key Stage 3.
Teaching Staff
The Junior School’s primary specialist teacher is Tony Chipps.
Philippa Brown is the Junior School’s part time teaching assistant.